Manage pull live source (SRT, Web feed,RTMP/M3U8, MPEG, RTSP,...)

In order to pull a live feed (RTMP/SRT/RTSP/M3U8/etc):
- Go to the Production Studio (1) and Add an input (2).
- In the Live Source tab (3).
- Select Pull a live source (4).
- Select the wished Protocol (5).
- Setup the Pull URL (RTMP(S), SRT, RTSP, MPEG-TS (UDP, TCP, HTTP), HLS, DASH) (6).
- Now your live source is displayed in the control room, you just have to enable it with a left-click on it (7).
- In order to have the preview of your live source, please check that you are in the Testing or Publishing phase (8).
- If everything is fine you can Start publishing & record to the selected publishing points (if it's not already the case).
Next steps
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