Enhancing the Game with LiveU Studio
Instant replay has become a crucial feature in sports broadcasting, offering fans and officials a way to review key moments in real-time.
Key Features of Instant Replay in LiveU Studio
Multi-Camera Angles
- LiveU Studio allows for the integration of multiple camera feeds, enabling broadcasters to switch between different angles during an instant replay. This feature provides a comprehensive view of the action, ensuring that no detail is missed.
Slow Motion Playback
- One of the most critical aspects of instant replay is the ability to slow down footage to analyze fine details. LiveU Studio supports slow-motion playback, allowing for precise reviews of key moments like goals, fouls, or boundary line decisions.
Seamless Integration with Live Broadcasts
- LiveU Studio's instant replay feature integrates smoothly into live broadcasts. This means that replays can be quickly inserted into the live feed without disrupting the flow of the broadcast, keeping the audience engaged.
User-Friendly Interface
- The interface of LiveU Studio is designed to be intuitive, making it easy for operators to manage replays, switch camera angles, and adjust playback speed on the fly. This reduces the risk of errors and ensures that the replays are delivered smoothly to the audience.
Cloud-Based Editing and Distribution
- LiveU Studio's cloud capabilities allow for editing and distribution of instant replays in real-time. This means that content can be edited on the go and shared instantly across multiple platforms, enhancing the reach and immediacy of sports broadcasts.
- Framesync
- ISO Recording & Clipping
- Dedicated replay/clipping operator support
How create an instant replay?
Enable the Replay Option
- Start by accessing the settings panel for each input (camera feed) that you want to use for instant replays.
- Within the settings panel (1), you will find an option labeled "Replay." (2) Make sure to enable this option for all inputs you want to display in the replay tab.
- To ensure a perfect replay from multiple angles, make sure the Framesync option is enabled.
Begin the Testing Phase (3)
- Once the replay option is enabled for your selected inputs, start the testing phase within LiveU Studio. This phase allows you to access the replay tab and ensure everything is set up correctly.
Add a Replay Player Input
- Add a replay player input to your LiveU Studio setup. This input will be used to manage and display the replays during your broadcast.
Select the number of player/angle you want to add and assign them a live source.
- Start your live feeds
Open the Replay Player Tab
- Navigate to the replay player tab within LiveU Studio. This tab provides a dedicated interface for managing your replays, including selecting which camera angles to use and adjusting playback settings.
Create Replays from Live Feeds
- With the replay player tab open, you can start creating replays from your live feeds. Use the interface to select the specific moments you want to replay, choose the camera angles, and adjust playback speed as needed.
You can also open it on the right or in a separated tab.
- Once the replays are ready, they can be inserted seamlessly into your live broadcast using a cut or a transition.
If needed you can adjust the step value and the replay shortcuts from the settings panel (1) -> Replay (2) -> change the settings (3).
If you have a dedicated Replay operator
The dedicated replay operator will be able to open the Replay panel in an external tab/monitor by opening the Replay section on the right -> Open in a separate tab.
The operator can now work on the Instant replays while retaining the producer as the decision-maker as to when to push what into the program.
Give the replay operator permission to push directly to PGM
- Enable the "Take over preview" option in the replay settings in order for the replay operator to have control on the production preview from the external tab. (1 to 3)
- Each time the operator is selecting an angle in the replay modal, the selected replay player will be selected in the Production preview.
- Enable the "CTL" option (A) in order to be able to push directly instant replays into the PGM output using transitions.
Depending on your workflow you can use one/both or even none of these features.
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