Once live, you will find three different recordings of your live streams
- Main Back-Up: The whole live stream is recorded automatically.
- Segments: Recorded Sessions within your live stream. Multiple sessions can be recorded simultaneously.
- Clips: Clip list for the ongoing live stream. Clips can be adjusted and then shared on every social or video network.
N.B: The video files are kept on LiveU Studio servers for up to 48 hours.
- Create a clip: Extract a video clip from the main back-up. This clip will then be in the event list.
- Edit metadata: Edit the metadata associated with this video (used when publishing to partners).
- Download: Download the file to your hard drive when the live stream is ended.
- Edit event: Opens the clipping tool to adjust the starting time and duration of the segment.
- Copy to layers: Copy the file to your layers in the Production Studio.
- Copy to Media Bin: Copy the file into your media bin (Add an input -> Media Bin). (no duration/size storage limit).
- Edit Metadata: Edit the metadata associated with this video (used when publishing to external services).
- Download: Download the file to your hard drive.
- Delete: Delete the video clip from the list.


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