Monitor the state of my instance and of my feeds
Via the LiveU Studio Monitoring (1) you can check the status of several things during the testing and publishing process:
Inputs status
Via the Inputs drop-down menu (2), select the live source you wish to monitor.

The graphs displayed give you detailed information on each of your input streams:
- Lost pictures : lost pictures since the feed started.
- FPS (10sec) : Frame per second (in the last 10 seconds).
- Fallback (percent) : if the feed is interrupted for more than 2 seconds the fallback/backup is enabled.
- demux discontinuity: an audio and/or video packet does not follow the previous one that we already know, it can be a clock reset or a breakage of the encoder, it does not necessarily mean that a packet is missing.
- demux corrupted: number of corrupted packets since the feed started.
- demux bitrate: the (undecoded) bitrate of the recevied input.
- Input bitrate: bitrate received by LiveU Studio for a specific stream.
Instance status
- The state/usage of memory and CPU from your encoder via the following graphs.
Please note that if the CPU or Ram usage exceeds 70% your instance may experience problems, in this case we invite you to reduce the number of inputs present in your Production studio and/or to modify the Publish settings (reduce the quality/modify the encoding profile, etc).

Encoder/Publishing points status
- The output bitrate/fps stats from LiveU Studio via the Encoder tab (example below).
- The activity time of this output point (total at the bottom right of the screen).

Congratulations! Now you know how to monitor your LiveU Studio event.
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