To make the article uniform, we use the following nomenclature.
Producer A stream always has a starting point, which we call a producer. This is the process that is generating values continuously. It might stop producing values at some point, or produce them indefinitely. Only the producer knows this.
Consumer A consumer is a type of process that relies on a producer to generate values. Any consumer depends on a producer for input data. Each datum of this stream is then transformed according to the specific behavior of the consumer.

- In pull protocols, consumers ask periodically their producers for values. The consumers signal their producers to send values. If there is a value waiting, the producer will send it down, or else it will block and wait to fulfill the demand.
- In push protocols, the consumers open a connection to the server and keep it constantly active. The producer will send (push) all-new events to the consumers using that single always-on connection. In other words, the producer PUSHes the new events to the consumers.
LiveU Studio Push RTMP ingest points
Automatic ingest Endpoint (choose the best server)
- rtmp://{{stream_name}}
Specific server location
- rtmp://{{server}}{{stream_name}}
{{server}}: You can either use our automatic server p, which will pick the closest server to your location, or you can use a specific server from the following list:
- US West - Oregon: us-ore
- US East - Virginia: us-vir
- LATAM - Brazil: sa-sao
- EU - Ireland: eu-irl
- Asia Pacific - Mumbai: ap-mum
- Asia Pacific - Singapore: ap-sin
- Asia Pacific - Seoul: ap-seo
- Asia Pacific - Tokyo: ap-tok
- Asia Pacific - Sydney: ap-syd
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